Monday, February 24, 2020

Livestream from Toy Fair Updates Covering New Products in the Foam Blaster Space

If you have questions on anything ranging from when will the new Halo blasters from Nerf/Hasbro hit shelves to what to expect out of the new clown blaster theme from Far Out Toys, this is the place to look!

ICYMI: We had a blast (pun intended) covering samples, news and questions that have shown up on the New York Toy Fair Show Floor last night. Despite some technical challenges, we have a pretty great time and there is PLENTY of content to keep us talking the whole time. Follow all the social media that @foamfromabove, @nerfers101 and @nydartzone are putting out on their different social media channels. And we'll of course keep you updated on our instagram, youtube and right here on as we can!

The stream was hosted for the second year in a row and New York Dart Zone on Long Island. Have the expertise of an actual arena owner in Gabriel Espinoza was invaluable for a hobby blogger and Youtuber like me because he thinks about things from a different angle than those who just want to get out there and play.

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