
Friday, December 13, 2013

Ultimate NERF Blaster Book - Unexpectedly Awesome Christmas Gift

You know what, Warriors? When I first saw the press release about a new NERF encyclopedia or dictionary, I wasn't sure what to think. I wasn't expecting much from the item. It seemed gimmicky to me.

My opinion about The Ultimate NERF Blaster Book changed from about 5 minutes after I picked it up and looked at the book in Walmart the other day. I realized that any NERF enthusiast could really enjoy having it on his or her shelf, desk, coffee table -or in their armory. There is a pretty good collection of information in there. It was compiled by Nathaniel Marunas. He really knew what to do here. It's like a cross between an actually interesting text book and a weapon recognition encyclopedia.

A couple of things made it into the book that may be considered errata in the long run. For example, the book has pictures of the "Javelin" with elite colors on its feature page about the development of the MEGA line. Of course, the same blaster was eventually released as the MEGA Centurion. I don't consider this a bad thing. In fact it will be neat to go back and read about this blaster and see that it was in development as something else.

Now, we can't avoid mentioning the exclusive N-Strike Elite darts that come with the book. Personally, I'm inclined to leave them in the book rather than to leave a hole in the front cover. The patch and chevron design would be nice to have in action though. Maybe they could release 30 rounds of special edition ammo in the same packaging they use for zombie strike darts?

Do you think you'll pick it up or stay focused more on collecting the blasters themselves? ~Chris

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