
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cannon Commando - Foam Dart Drone

The time has come for part two of our tests for remote-controlled dart "drones". If you haven't checked out our write-up of the Badger, you may want to do that first so you're up to speed. We took that dart tank (really more of an APC) from Ignite Radio Control back to the store because there were just too many downsides to have it deploy in the field.

At the same time I found the Badger, the gents over at Bay Area Nerf got their hands on a VMD Cannon Commando. Well, of course I had to check it out for myself. Up front . . . I plan to keep this one, even if it IS 20 bucks more than the Badger was.
The variable heights give you a wide range of angles to use. You have to set it manually, so that can be a drag in a moving situation. The fact that you can change the setting at all is nice though. It does give you some situational adaptability with how you can deploy it.

Monday, January 27, 2014

NEW BLASTER AGAIN! - N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12 - 2014 Release

I'm not too sure what to think of the newest blaster to be announced from the NERF Fall 2014 line-up. The NERF N-Strike Elite Cam ECS-12 is a bit of a mouthful, but at the same time will leave your pocket a bit empty. Engadget popped up this little beauty today. Check them out for the full story. I'll just scribble some thoughts here rather than take and repost all of their pictures and such.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mystery Blaster Talk As UK Toy Fair Wraps Up

Well warriors, the UK Toy Fair Wrapped up couple of days ago. The first and most comprehensive recap for the Nerf presence there I saw was from UK Nerf.

As you can see from UK Nerf's write-up. The rumor mill has begun cranking on a new mystery blaster. Hasbro left that particular space in their display empty when UK Nerf showed up to take a look. My Last Dart is hearing that the code name is NERF Elite Phantom. That might make sense. Phantom was what many early on-line markets called the Retaliator as it was coming out. I wouldn't be surprised if Nerf is recycling "code names" (really just working titles) for blasters like they recycle names for finished products.

Foam From Above will be covering the heck out of the Toy Fair in New York coming up in February. Either we will likely see the mystery blaster debut there, or Nerf will send out info leading up to the fair. I am fairly excited to see what shows up! ~Chris

The Badger - A Foam Missile Launcher

I know how much some of you warriors like Call of Duty. Many more of you at least like other toy concepts besides just blasters. Well, the discovery I made at the store this week will combine those likes. Meet The Badger:

Shot of the Week Winner

January 24th Winner

Congrats to travelomo on Instagram for the winning Shot of the Week entry! When we looked at what we had been tagged in, suddenly we were looking down the barrels of a Barrel Break. Well played, travelomo, well played.

Warriors! Remember to get your shot of the week entries in by Thursday night every week. But if we get stuck doing something else, we may include Friday entries as well. Have a great week and remember to snap your favorite foam moments on camera!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

This Means War!

Warriors, we can talk about new blasters, fun ideas and what other people are doing all day. But there is nothing like getting out there and having a war for yourself! It's great when we get a chance to battle our frenemies.

After doing the Search and Recovery mission in a few settings, I'm pretty sure I like it. We will have to get feedback from the other warriors who participate to see what they think. Of course, Team Death Match is alway popular and a common style of play when you have an open field with obstacles and such.

We had some good opportunities for Shot of the Week entries here. Don't forget to turn you entries in today on our facebook page or via Instagram (@clickclickbamf)!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sidestrike, A Trusty Sidearm

Warriors! We took the opportunity to release the review of the new NERF Zombie Strike Sidestrike this weekend. I must say, it performed really well for me in the latest war. I need to go back and test out the Firestrike again though. Sidestrike may have lost on distance.

Don't forget about our Shot of the Week contest!! You can enter now. The winner is picked late on Thurdays.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

NEW Blaster! - Rebelle Agent Bow

The props go UK Nerf for this info. I just had to pass it along because it's super-interesting.

This new bow looks like it may blow any of the other Rebelle products out of the water. As UK Nerf puts it, " . . . a bow powered bow! The foamy gods be praised!"

The description is as follows: "The Nerf Rebelle Agent bow is perfect for high-profile missions that require accuracy and skill. Release the string and watch as the first ever Nerf Rebelle foam-dart arrows soar up to 85 feet across the sky making a whistling sound! For added precision, the Agent Bow features an electronic glowing red dot that provides better aiming accuracy with every shot."

Crossfire wins Best New Toy at UK fair

One of the things they do annually at the UK Toy Fair is to award the Best New Toys of the year. In the words of the fair organizers: "The Toy Fair Best New Toy Awards are voted for by a panel of independent toy retailers as the 2014 Toy Fair products with the most potential to make a mark on retail throughout the year and beyond." The Toy Fair there is put on by the British Toy and Hobby Association.

The NERF Zombie Strike Crossfire is one of 39 toys to win the honors. I would suppose that it's due to the iconic reenactments that it will enable kids to do. After all, crossbows were a favorite for many now-teenagers as they cut their teeth on COD: Black Ops and perhaps are watching Walking Dead.

From the initial tests we've done, this won't be the best performing blaster of 2014. However, as they note above, this award is about making a mark on retail throughout the year. The Crossfire is a likely blaster to do that for the general population.

Can you think of any other new or newly announced blasters you would have awarded Best New Toy to?

Monday, January 20, 2014

NEW BLASTER! - The Demolisher 2-in-1 from NERF N-Strike Elite

They just keep coming, warriors! This time the main N-Strike Elite line from NERF is adding another assault blaster to the mix. Meet the NERF N-Strike Elite Demolisher 2-in-1 blaster. This combines the good details of a lot of other blasters and then also adds the underslung grenade launcher! The folks over at Popular Mechanics did a great write-up on this one. This isn't the first NERF exclusive they've had, probably because they are great writers and just as much geek as the fans are! We just got official confirmation from our sources at NERF. This blaster is a go!

Now, PopMech does make sure to note that some tweaks are still happening with this blaster. The release is said to be slated for this Fall (2014). $40 for the price tag puts it in direct competition with the Rapidstrike from last year. Though we are talking semi-auto versus full auto. As pointed out by some fans, this is like a really good Stryfe update.

(Full description after the jump!)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Announced! - MEGA Thunderbow by NERF

Just got confirmation on this, warriors! Our friends at Nerf confirm that the MEGA Thunderbow is a real thing. got the scoop earlier today and has nice write-up of it. The pic is from them as you can see.

So here is the official language from NERF:
(Ages 8 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $39.99/Available: Fall 14)
Awesome NERF MEGA performance transitions from blaster to bow with the addition of the N-STRIKE MEGA THUNDERBOW toy. The bow’s dynamic arms and traditional pull back system can fire five NERF MEGA whistler darts in a row up to an amazing 100 feet.  Includes 10 MEGA Whistler darts and holds up to five NERF MEGA darts at a time. Available at most major retailers nationwide and"

NERF confirms to us that the Thunderbow will be ready for a Fall 2014 release. I'm not sure how excited I am about a $40 price tag. I was ready to spend it on the Rapidstrike, but I was really glad when the price went down more. Seems a little steep for a foam-firing bow system. Who am I kidding, I'd spend it!

Shot of the Week Winner - Jan 16

Alright, warriors. After a couple of dim-witted errors on my end, the Shot of the Week is up and running! I got word late last night that some of you were submitting your entries and tagging us on facebook, but they weren't showing up. Well now that I figured out how to allow you to share your pics directly on the page, that shouldn't be a problem any more. Please feel free to re-enter and of your great foam warrior pics directly on our facebook page or by tagging us on Instagram and we'll get them in the running for next week!

Congrats to TJ Gerzina for his creative Shot of the Week entry! The caption that came with it was "New line of expanding ammo!!" Now we're going to have to ask him if he bough that car simply because of the color resemblance to a NERF dart! LOL, I 'd love to be able to shoot out a sweet ride when I needed to get somewhere.

Remember, warriors, we'll pick a new Shot of the Week winner every Thursday. Your entries count for next week starting now! ~Chris

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shot of the Week Launches on Click Click BAMF

Up until early 2013, NERF was doing a weekly contest on Thursdays where they would encourage the NERF Nation to send in their best still photos of themselves and/or friends with their blasters. It's time to resurrect the tradition. So starting now, warriors, you are invited to submit your entries for Click Click BAMFs Shot of the Week. Send us your best action shots and group photos using any kind of foam weapon or blaster. A winner will be picked every Thursday and be posted on our "CCB Shot of the Week" page.

Earn your bragging rights today by sending your Shot of the Week entries to us via facebook or Instagram. Make sure to tag us (@ClickClickBAMF) and use the hashtag ( #shotoftheweek).

Submitting your picture for consideration also gives us permission to repost your picture on our website and use it to promote the site.

Enter your email address:

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Zombie Strike Slingfire - 2014 New Blaster Reveal!

Alright, Warriors! We've been waiting all weekend and it's finally here. The newly announced NERF blaster is: The NERF Zombie Strike Slingfire!

Thoughts on the Fusefire - Review


I stayed up way too late working on this review. I hope it makes sense and that you enjoy it. As always, please share it through G+, facebook or wherever else you care to! We love hearing your thoughts about the blasters also, so please feel free to comment. Meet the Zombie Strike Fusefire.

This blaster was impressive to me for a Vortex-type release. Still having a little trepidation in picking it up for $20, though.

Don't forget that we have big NERF news coming out in a couple of hours! ~Chris

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Blaster Reveal on Monday!

Warriors! NERF gave a few of the bloggers in the community a heads up that we will be hearing about and getting a sneak peak of a new 2014 blaster just ahead of the toy fairs that start later this month!

Monday morning, just after 9 AM mountain time, we will be bringing you some new details on what's in store for the NERF Nation in the near future. Others in our list of favorite bloggers will be getting the low-down as well. You can look for their blogs in our sidebar at the bottom!

(Check on some theories after the jump!)

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 Super Soaker Update

I have to admit something, warriors. I got a little worried when I saw those couple of early Super Soaker releases the other day. I actually really liked the 2013 releases and was look forward to more of that line. When I swung by to toy section at another Walmart this week, I happened to see a Flash Blast with updated coloring and went back to look at NERF's Super Soaker section on their website.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Super Soaker 2014 Already Coming Out!

Warriors, It was less than 16 degrees in Colorado Springs when I walked into the NERF section at one of the local Walmarts and made a discovery. They already have a couple of the new Super Soaker blasters on the shelves from the 2014 line! At first, I was thinking that they must be crazy. However, it is nice to get an early look at these blasters to see what I want to use for the next season of water wars! Strange to see the Super Soaker clip system going away, though.

The Hydrostorm is an electronic water blaster that holds 25 ounces in an internal tank. You can see where the batteries will go in the front of the blaster. I know that some of the younger warriors in out last water war were having issue with anything that carried more than 25 ounces, so this may be a good thing for them. You can hit your target up to 30-feet away with this one. I wonder if the stream is any larger than electronic water blasters in recent years? After last year's tacticool releases, this design seems a little clunky to me. That doesn't necessarily matter too much when it comes to effectiveness of the blaster, though.  You can grab this at Walmart for about 20 dollars.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sighting Reports - Newest Zombie Strike on Store Shelves

Well, it took a while, but we finally see the Crossfire and Fusefire in stock at Walmarts in both Los Angeles and Colorado Springs. So, if you haven't seen these in you're area yet, they're probably close. We've been waiting to get our hands on both of these NERF Zombie Strike blasters. You're looking at about 20 bucks for each of these systems. Not too bad.

You may recall that the Fusefire is a Vortex inspired Zombie Strike Blaster. It incorporates firefly technology for glow-in-the-dark discs. This blaster also seems to have a similar loading mechanism to the NERF Vortex Proton. The extra storage space on the front can't hurt either. I am looking forward to trying this one out.

Now the Crossfire crossbow is a bit of an interesting one. NERF claimed that it was the first crossbow for NERF. Rebelle already came out with their crossbow, but Hasbro has separated NERF Rebelle from the rest of the NERF lines. They choose to market the lines uniquely, so they still feel that this can be called the first crossbow. I excited to throw on my favorite stock attachment to the back of this blaster and get to work. Maybe a little Van Helsing action to come? ~Chris

Blaster of the Year, 2013

So yes, warriors. It's getting into the second week in January, but we figured we'd better close out 2013 properly. Props goes to Melvern Soelaiman for asking for thoughts on the NERF blaster of the year on the NERF facebook page just ahead of the New Year. Several of our fellow bloggers in the NIC have been thinking the same thing. Coop and I realized we would be remiss as we look ahead if we didn't award blaster/foam weapon of the year as well.  Several toys from several makers had us talking.

For a yearly award, you've got to figure that this blaster would be something that could make it through our five categories relatively unscathed (Speed, Range, Accuracy, Appearance and Value). It should probably be a blaster that brought something innovative to the table. Also, the toy would need to have received good user reaction in general.

We've narrowed the candidates down to 5: The NERF N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike, The NERF Zombie Strike Hammershot, The Zing Zombie Slayerz Z-Tek Bow, The Buzz Bee Air Warriors Extreme Range Master and The Tek Recon Havok. Several others were proposed, but you have to draw the line somewhere!

(See which one wins after the jump)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Words of the Author - The Ultimate NERF Blaster Book

Check out the latest video from Click Click BAMF! You may have seen our blog and a couple of others before Christmas or maybe see the coverage from several other bloggers since then too. The NERF: Ultimate Blaster Book is a pretty cool new product. I figured it was time to learn more about this new endeavor in Nerfdom.

We had the opportunity to interview Nathaniel Marunas after he wrote the first official NERF book. Check it out and let us know what you think. Would you be interested in seeing/hearing more audio interviews like this? ~Chris